Cardiology Billing and Coding Company - MGSI

Cardiology Medical Billing
Physician Billing Services

Cardiology Billing and Coding Company - MGSI

Cardiology coding differs from other specialty coding in many ways, MGSI is one of the top among the cardiology medical billing companies and has the expertise to handle the ever-changing world of cardiology coding.

MGSI has 30 years of cardiology billing and coding experience. We bill for cardiology providers for Florida, Texas and other states. MGSI is experienced in multi-state cardiology billing and coding.

Our AAPC certified coders regularly attend webinars and seminars to continue their education. They keep on top of the coding changes that happen throughout the year. We invest in resourcing to keep our knowledge up to date so we can ensure that we are billing claims properly based on payer requirements.

Areas of Cardiology coding expertise:

Peripheral Studies - We understand that coding for these types of studies can be difficult as you have to think about not only where you are doing the procedure, but the method used to perform that particular procedure. The top codes we bill in this area are: 36200, 36246, 75716, 75710, 75625 and 75630.

Diagnostic Cardiology procedures - Cardiac catheters are frequently performed by cardiologists. MGSI understands how to review a Cath lab procedure report and determine which code to be used. Whether it is a Left, Right or Left and Right heart cath and with or without grafts. The top codes MGSI bills for in this area are: 93458, 93459, 93460 and 93461.

Cardiac and peripheral interventions - MGSI has extensive experience and knowledge in billing for cardiac stents. Additionally, a cardiology coder must also know to properly code for a PTCA versus a stent. Peripheral interventions can also be tricky to bill. We know how to differentiate between the different types of intervention and apply the correct code based on what was done (documentation) and to which vessel. The top codes we bill for in this area are: 92920, 92928, 92937 and 92941, 37220 to 37235.

Pediatric cardiology - We understand the difference between billing for congenital and non-congenital deformities in the heart. When billing for an echocardiogram this information becomes important because the procedure code billed for the echocardiogram differs if it is for a congenital defect.

Nuclear Medicine - We follow LCD guidelines to make sure the appropriate diagnosis code is being billed with for the test. The top codes billed in this area are: 78452, 78492, 93015, 93016, 93018, A9500 and A9502.

Ansar Testing - We know which CPT codes to bill based on the insurance the patient has and follow LCD guidelines to apply the correct diagnosis code. The top codes billed in this section are: 95921, 92922 and 95943.

Modifiers - Cardiology coders must be well versed in the correct use of modifiers to add to multiple surgeries, pacers and stents. Some modifiers may be based on place of service, for example performing an echocardiogram in the hospital requires a 26 modifier, however if you have the equipment in your office you would bill without the 26 modifier.

The main reason for denials in cardiology coding is invalid diagnosis code/does not follow LCD guidelines. MGSI tracks LCDs for each code range; we update our LCD library weekly and provide our clients with copies as well. We help educate our clients on correct coding so that everyone is on the same page and claims are filed correctly the first time, making MGSI stand out of other Cardiology Medical Billing companies.

Additionally, MGSI tracks hospital consultation payer rules by carrier so that the correct initial visit code is billed for inpatient and outpatient visits.

MGSI bills Cardiology procedures in the Office, cath lab and Hospital settings.

Contact us to know more about our expertise in Cardiology billing and coding and how we can help you to increase your revenue!
