Neurology Medical Billing

Neurology Medical Billing
Physician Billing Services

Neurology Medical Billing

Why is Neurology Medical Billing more challenging? Neurology is a medical specialty dealing with disorders of the nervous system. To be specific, neurology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of all categories of conditions and disease involving the central and peripheral nervous system or the equivalent meaning, the autonomic nervous systems and the somatic nervous systems, including their coverings, blood vessels, and all effector tissue, such as muscle, EMGs, nerve blocks and nerve conduction studies. The Medical billing department should be updated on the latest Medicare regulations and policies related to neurology medical.

Neurology Medical Coding Nuances from MGSI expertise:

Most commonly used procedure codes in Neurology billing are 95816 – 95819, 95860 – 95864, 95885 & 95887, 95907 – 95913. In which, EMG and NCV services will plays a major role in Neurology Billing. EMG stands for Electromyography. It is a diagnostic test used to assess the electrical activity of muscles and the nerves controlling them. EMG helps diagnose conditions like muscle disorders, nerve damage, and neuromuscular diseases by measuring the electrical signals in the muscles during rest and activity. During an EMG, tiny devices called electrodes are used to translate these signals into graphs, sounds or numerical values that are then interpreted by a specialist.

Neurology Procedural codes and its significance:

Nerve conduction study is a medical diagnostic test commonly used to evaluate the function, especially the ability of electrical conduction, of the motor and sensory nerves of the human body. Some of the technique that analyzes the speed and strength of these impulses. Nerve conduction can be affected by nerve damage or blockage, which will slow and weaken the signals. Nerve conduction is important for the functioning of muscles and sensory nerves.

Neurology Billing has more critical CPT level rules. Below are some critical CPT level rules followed in Neurology Billing. It is very essential to follow them to maintain the cash flow on the Practice.

  • EMG service Procedure codes 95885-95887 cannot be billed on a separate claim and should be billed along with NCV Codes. Procedure codes 95885-95887 can be billed with multiple units.
  • When NCV and EMG Charges done on different day we need to bill EMG CPT Code between 95860 to 95864. Likewise, if NCV and EMG charges done on the same day we must have EMG CPT Code between 95885 and 95887.
  • Needle electromyography service with Procedure code 95870, should not be billed with any of the EMG/ NCV codes.

Why chose MGSI as your Neurology Billing Partner?

MGSI has expertise in Neurology Specialty and is one of leading Medical Billing Company in United States since 1995. Efficient and accurate process handled at MGSI has helped nearly 600 physicians and healthcare practices with various Specialty to gain timely reimbursement and maintain a very strong Clear Claim percentage.

MGSI as a Billing Company has partnered with Best Healthcare Software firms to take care of the day today billing, EHR needs and also to help Practice front office to answer Patient queries, Scheduling appointment and patient registrations. Providers enjoy our Technology integrated Services when working with MGSI.

With over 29 years of experience in the healthcare industry and working in multiple Specialty we have reputation for providing efficient End to End Services for many Small and large Neurology Groups in multiple states across the United States. To experience the best Neurology Billing Support reach out to MGSI today!

Leave your Neurology billing to MGSI you can focus on the critical work in taking great care of your patients.

Contact us to know how we can serve you better as the Neurology billing company that meets all of your Requirements.
